Горючее: white gas, auto gasoline,
kerosene, jet fuel, diesel,
Stoddard solvent #4,
and AV gas
Время закипания:   ?:00 (min:sec)
Время горения:   ??/?? (Min/Fill-Up)
Зажигание:  Вручную
Вес: 440 г.
Ориентировочная цена:  $90
Like all MSR stoves, includes windscreen, pump, and stuff sack, requires fuel bottle. Operates on white gas, auto gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel, Stoddard solvent #4, and AV gas. Burns very hot and very loudly, like a blow torch. It doesn't simmer. (For all practical purposes it's either on or off.)
The XGK is a proven design used on expeditions for melting snow and boiling water. It has a large-diameter generator tube which resists clogging. This is the most omni-fuelish stove, and it cleans easily. Spare parts and repair kit, $10. Mountain Safety Research is based in Seattle.


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